"Discovering who God really is will change your life." (Discover God Bible Study)
Do you ever have those Bible studies or books that sit your shelves for years and you think, "One day I should read that book or do that study..."? Last summer I needed something new to study and picked up a Bible study that had been sitting on my book shelf for at least a couple years. This study was based on a classic by the late Dr. Bill Bright (Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ), Discover God, in which he explores 12 of God's attributes and how we can experience them in our own lives. After spending 6 months in this study, I wanted to share my journey of discovering God and His attributes in a deeper way, covering the first 6 attributes in this 'Discovering GOD (Part 1)' post...
He can help me with anything.
First-off, I was struck by this quote from Bill Bright in his book Discover God, "If we really believe that God is all-powerful, we will no longer walk in fear and unbelief. We will place our faith in God - not necessarily great faith in God, but rather faith in a great God who is omnipotent." Wow. Do I really believe that God is all-powerful? Or do I walk in fear and unbelief? And in what areas of my life do I walk in fear and unbelief? I was most convicted in the area of singleness - walking in fear and unbelief and failing to trust in His power to take care of me in this.
My response to God's Mighty Power: Surrender my singleness to Him each day. I feel powerless, but often try to run on my own 'power' in this area. I want to experience HIS power in this area, whatever that looks like.
I will devote myself to Him in purity, worship, and service.
Holiness is a hard concept to grasp. The best words I can use are purity, white, clean, set apart, perfect. But I'm not sure how well we can really comprehend His holiness until we reach heaven. I desire to experience His holiness in my life, as Isaiah did in Isaiah 6:1-5. I desire to be a living sacrifice, set apart for Him.
My response to God's Holiness: Honor Him with my physical body and exercise, with my finances and giving, with my time. Set apart each morning to spend time with Him.
He is unconditionally committed to my well-being.
Oh my, do I believe this?! In Discover God, Bill Bright stated, "God's love is the only reason we exist. It is the why of creation, whereas His power is the how." That is very humbling to think about, especially when I stop and think about all the times and ways that I fail to believe in His love for me. Yet even in the midst of my singleness or my struggles or my loneliness or my sin (etc.) - His love NEVER fails, NEVER gives up and ALWAYS endures! Furthermore, how am I doing at loving others well? Do I share His love with those around me, unconditionally committed to the well-being of others?
My response to God's Love: Serve at church and be available as needs of others' arise. Accept the challenge to journal in the coming week of all the ways God shows His love toward me, going into each day with an openness to see God's love around me.
He is always with me.
I truly believe that God's presence is the greatest gift/blessing we get to receive and experience as followers of Jesus. I was challenged to think about the ways I have experienced God's constant presence in my life in tanglible ways. Especially in times of loss and grief, I am so incredibly grateful for His presence through the pain. Oh, that I would remember His constant presence in the midst of temptation - both His power to help me overcome but also His present holiness. And that I would also remember His presence and care for me in the midst of singleness - fighting the feelings of loneliness or despair.
My response to God's Constant Presence: REMEMBER His presence throughout my week, spend time with Him and in His Word each day, speak about Him with others.
I will believe what He says and live accordingly.
'Absolute Truth' is that which is solid, unchanging and constant. Yet, sadly, this is a concept that is slipping away in our culture, giving way to relativism in which there is no solid, unchanging truth. And while it might seem contradictory on the surface to many, His TRUTH is actually what sets us free! "God's truth frees us to live as God has intended. On the other hand, the Deceiver wants us to base our lives on false assumptions. Jesus said to His followers, 'You are truly My disciples if you keep obeying My teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.' " (Bill Bright, Discover God).
My response to God's Absolute Truth: Choose to believe His truth that He has my best and His good in mind, even in the midst of the challenging or lonely times. Choose to celebrate and live freely and fully in this place.
He forgives me of my sins when I sincerely confess them.
The more I read or study about God's grace and mercy, the more I realize how vast it truly is beyond my comprehension, almost like wading out into a body of water that just keeps opening up wider and deeper. I was challenged to consider where I need to experience more of God's mercy in my own life, and how that would bring me greater hope, as well as where I might need to grant more mercy and forgiveness to others.
My response to God's Mercy: First, be quick to confess and repent and accept God's mercy in my life. Secondly, stop/pause and seek to be merciful to others and not react out of my emotions or frustrations of the moment.
Thanks for joinging my journey through these first 6 attributes of God. Look for Part 2 next month, covering my journey through the next 6 attributes. To learn more about the Discover God book by Bill Bright, the Discover God Bible Study, or other related resources, go to DiscoverGod.com. And please share your responses to a deeper understanding of God's attributes in your life too!
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