the past couple years I had a couple ‘trial runs’ by writing and posting some
thoughts on my facebook page. To my
surprise, people read, responded and even ‘liked’ them! As I shared one of them with some friends
verbally, I was actually asked if I ever considered ‘blogging’. Yikes, there it was. It felt like too much commitment, & maybe
too much exposure, just ‘putting myself out there’.
here I am, writing, posting…’blogging’, if you will. Most importantly, sharing my heart, my
thoughts, my feelings, my perspective on life with others, as a follower of Jesus
journeying through this life on earth, as one who is yoked with Him.
with Him??!” you may ask. “Why that
phrase?” Or maybe you’re thinking, “What
does that even mean?” Or, “Does anyone
still use a yoke?” First of all, with a
name like ‘Lisa Smith’ you are forced to be creative with email addresses,
usernames, logins, titles and such. And
as I considered the title & site of this blog, it seemed as though the Lord
very clearly pointed me to one of my favorite passages of Scripture, Matthew
11:28-30 [Jesus speaking]:
28 Come
to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you
rest. 29 Take
My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in
heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My
yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

in Matthew chapter 11, Jesus uses a symbol that His listeners know and probably
have used. But He puts Himself in the
yoke, and calls them to put HIS yoke on them, rather than trying to pull the
load on their own. Often a young ox
would be taught, or ‘broke’, by yoking them with an older more experienced one. The experienced ox would take the lead while
the younger one would be forced to follow.
Jesus INVITES us to take His yoke upon us and learn from Him.
I try to take the yoke on my own, without His help or sometimes I even try
yoking myself with others. Yet, anything
outside of Jesus will always prove to be exhausting, laborious and heavy-laden. But when I choose to respond to His
invitation to take His yoke upon myself, and to learn from Him, the gentle
& humble teacher, I will find rest for my soul, for His yoke is easy and
His burden is light.
whom, or with what, are you yoked today?
Yourself and your own self-sufficiency (or the illusion of it)? Another person, besides Christ? Or maybe an object, like money, sex, work or
perfectionistic performance? As He
stands before you, wearing the yoke and inviting you to join Him, how will you
respond? Will you enter into His yoke
alongside Him, willing to stay at His side, follow His lead and learn from
Him? He does not promise that it will be
simple or even easy, in the sense of not challenging our potential waywardness,
but He does promise His presence and His gentleness with us, and in a much
deeper way, His rest.
with Him,